Monday, October 26, 2009

Professor "Illaya"

Strange are the ways of a human being, especially when he puts the wrong man in the wrong place. He was supposed to be better at Physics and he ended up in the Computer Science department.

 We never liked his class... 40 transparencies just read out in a sequential form - a perfect reading class for a class 1 student - one after the other non-stop until either hes tired or the next teacher stands by the door and reminds him of the time.
Just fresh from Anna University and Tamil Nadu, he had imbibed the habit of saying "Illaya" meaning "right?", after each answer he gives for his own question. Coming to that, none of us classmates ever answered his questions. He got so used to us not answering questions that he found our answer papers THE surprise - filled with answers(right or wrong was a different matter altogether).

One day in class while teaching OOPS, he asks," What are the three different types of objects?" The silence was deafening. so he chooses to answer himself, " Object number 1, Object number 2, Object number 3. Illaya??"

Just after one of his lectures on OOPS concepts, which happened to be the last perioid of the day, I was walking out of the institute gate when his scooter came to a halt right next to me.
illaya: Jayaram, where are you heading?
J: Hostel Sir.
Illaya: Hop over, I'll drop you.
J: Ok sir. (halfheartedly "hops" over the back seat)
Illaya: So, hows your band going on?
J: Fine sir.
Illaya: Nice opportunities to miss my classes?
J: What to do sir? they call we go. ( Actually happy to miss his classes)
Illaya: So hows OOPS?
J: its ok sir. need time to understand.
Illaya: So what did you understand in today's class?
J: Nothing sir.
SSssscccreeeetttcccccccccchhhhhhh!!!! The scooter comes to a stand still and we havent yet arrived at the hostel.
Illaya: I think you can walk from here.
J: (hops off blissfully) thank you sir.
I still feel guilty of having told the truth to him so bluntly.

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